Online DEA Compliance Training

Your team needs to understand complicated DEA requirements. But it’s difficult to conveniently train your team on regulations, especially when you run a large corporation.

Pharma Compliance Group has the perfect solution to help you save time and achieve compliance.

Online learning from former DEA agents

PCG’s Online DEA Compliance Training was written by former DEA Diversion Investigators.

We built the course using the LearnSomething online training platform for ultimate convenience.

Teach your employees how to best deal with CSA, CFR, and DEA regulations in a convenient online training.

Proof of mastery

PCG’s Online DEA Compliance Training includes an end of course assessment to demonstrate employee mastery. We even include administrative functions so you can certify each person’s course completion.

Six modules for easy learning

Our Online DEA Compliance Training course covers DEA regulations in six modules:

Keep your team educated and informed on DEA regulations. Choose PCG for convenient, online learning that doesn’t sleep.

See how the Integritus Group can help you.